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While we may have connections within the hunting community, local store sponsors and various businesses that are willing to step in and help put on the events, we are still looking to receive cash donations to build and promote Houndsmen for Heroes, spread the word, to continue donation funding flow to put on as many events as possible and help us reach the veteran community. Thanks to the great volunteer work of some of our local Houndsmen, we have been able to become a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our board is built up a strictly volunteers, one being a local Purple Heart veteran that we had the pleasure of hosting in one of our previous expeditions. Our long-term goal is to be able to host multiple events, in multiple locations throughout the year. Oregon hunting laws limit bobcat hunting in the state of Oregon from the 1st of December to the end of February. This year we plan to host 2 events- one in December in Eastern Oregon, the other in February along the Oregon Coast Range. We hope that this is something that speaks to your heart as it has ours, and we are open to any questions or comments you may have. Need a tax deductible receipt? No problem! Send us a message and we will be happy to send one. We look forward to speaking with you!